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Supplier Alerts - Alerts Issued to Suppliers

Triumph Supplier Quality Alerts are issued to communicate areas of concern to the Triumph supply base. Supplier Quality Alerts are not to be used for configuration or requirements change authorization. They provide communication or clarification to supplier related issues.

Upon issuance of a Triumph Supplier Quality Alert, suppliers are responsible to review requirements, determine contractual impact and notify their applicable Triumph Company Quality or Procurement Representative of the impact, if any, and take necessary actions to ensure compliance to requirements of Supplier Quality Alerts.

QUALITY NOTICE-URGENT: Safran CEO Addresses Fake Parts Scandal Impact on Aerospace Industry - Revision Level - - Effective October 10, 2023

Q U A L I T Y A L E R T ● 09192023 AOG Technics - Revision Level - - Effective September 19, 2023

TGQSA-2022-001 AS9011 COC Non-Conformity Finding - Revision Level - Effective June 15, 2022

TGSQA-007 - Supplier Inquiry - SAPA Extrustions - Revision Level - Effective October 29, 2015

TGSCM-001 Potential Truck Shortage - Revision Level Original - Effective September 11, 2017

TGSQA-012 Heat Treat Traceability - Revision Level - Effective December 7, 2018

Product Realization – Documentation - Revision Level - Effective January 15, 2020

TGSQA-015 Preferred Performer Program (P3) Delegation - Revision Level - Effective August 26, 2020

All Triumph Actuation Systems, LLC Suppliers

Q U A L I T Y A L E R T ● 08102023 - Revision Level - Effective August 10, 2023

Quality Alert 04142023 - Staking Operations - Revision Level - Effective April 14, 2023

Supplier Material Discrepancy Approval Request (SMDAR) New Revision J - Revision Level J - Effective September 25, 2020

FAI of Assembled products - Revision Level C - Effective October 16, 2020

All Triumph Fluid Power & Actuations - Clemmons Suppliers

Quality Alert 10272022 - Increase in Supplier Escapes - Revision Level - Effective October 27, 2022

Q U A L I T Y A L E R T ● 06172021 - First Article Inspection (FAI) - Revision Level - Effective June 18, 2021

Quality Alert 09202022 Product Realization Documentation - Revision Level N/A - Effective September 20, 2022

Actuation Products and Services Supplier Alert

Suppliers of Military and US Government End Use Items for Clemmons, Seattle, Valencia, Yakima, NW/Shelbyville and UK Isle of Man

Q U A L I T Y A L E R T 09212022 FAR DFARS for APS - Revision Level - Effective September 1, 2022

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